thank you. >> next speaker, please. >> christopher peterson followed by kat carter. >> i'm christopher peterson and my comment relates to the impacts of chase centre on transit service. i think it's very important that mta be evaluating the ripple effects of that. i suspect there are dust caned t kinds of ripple effects. the friday night opening of chase center, i trade to catch an outbound k at vanesse at 11:30 at night and there was an hour wait and the water for the el was 40 minutes. i looked at the system map in the station and not a single train was running in the direction of balboa park from sunnydale to balboa park. so was that kind of extreme clustering an extreme gap in service because of the chase center or just another incident unfortunately too frequent of there being large gaps in late-night service on muni metro, thank you. >> kat carter and that's the last person who has turned in a speaker card on this topic. >> good afternoon. i'm the acting executive director of san francisco transit riders. i just wanted to say briefly that i support everything that director of tra