authorities regard theresidents of shad chup ling s illegal squatters who will haveto leave mount katchkanarn. master sannikow responds to thisas his faith teaches him. michail: buddhism teaches us toaccept things as they are. so if you encounter a badperson, maybe you only think he's bad.he could be a good family man. a great dad.or a fantastic lover. or simply have really snazzyshoes! something about him has to begood. >>but the monks and nuns don'tthink it would be a good thing to destroy mount katchkanar.they say the iron ore deposits aren't rich enough to feed the40,000 residents of the city of katchkanar at the foot of themountain for years. the steel manufacturer and thelocal government disagree. minerals have been mined in thisregion for more than fifty one here can imagine a life without mining.konstantin: when i was still in hope to keep it.otherwise, i'd have to leave the city or turn to crime to getmoney. i don't have any other choice.i have to feed my family. >>the mined ore is immediatelycrushed, separated, concentrated, and sent to thegigantic steel plants in nizhni t