. >> i always defer to kate baer, she's a poet and she asked the question a lot and always the same thing which is childcare. it is the same way anybody does any work but during the pandemic, writing the book, there wasn't childcare so when i was writing it i couldn't conceive of writing it without just i guess providing that transparency because every mother i talked to for the book, we were all doing our own version of aiding our children trying to work while also raising our kids so it became a clear through line as i was writing it. >> now that the pandemic is sort of waning do you find it is easier for you to carve out your time? do you have a schedule where you are writing, how do you manage it? >> i don't have a system. i'm kind of a chaotic worker but it is like i can only actually right and use my brain when kids are -- i just -- it has to be when they are at school or with the babysitter. >> writing a book during the pandemic, zoom class was happening, it was a nightmare. it was awful. cringe. do we have questions about mom influencing? we've got to have some moms in here? eliza