everything from the title weapons for "ernest scared stupid," right on through to the latest kate blanchett "elizabeth" movie where we did all the high end rapiers. we've got stuff on display in the chicago art institute. we do work here in minneapolis with the art institute where we come in with original pieces and show replicas. the globe theater in london. so you can travel the world and you will spot our things. this is an elbow, this will go right here, and when you close your arm, it -- that's about the movement you get and these fins will close the gap. when it's extended, you still have protection. we try to replicate the original techniques as much as possible. a lot of the tools that existed 500 years ago, today exist in miniature. the only people who use a lot of those tools anymore would be silversmiths. so, the hammers weigh four ounces or five ounces. i need the three pound version. you've seen quite a few tools, i would say 80% of those we've made. that's partially why we get such good results, because we're trying to stay faithful to their techniques. now you have the whole