joining me now from oakland is gizmodo reporter kate conger who has been covering the story. what was the extent of what google was planning to do and work with on this project mav? >> google's role in this project has been to create artificial intelligence to do imagen classificatione footage collected by drones, and so they were trying to help t department of defense mark objects in this footage to say this car is a car, this building is a building, this is a person. >> sreenivasan: okay. and the employees at google had a prolem with this for theast several weeks, but how did they prest it? what was their concern? >> so there are a couple er different co within the employees. some employees at google feel like the company shouldn't be volved with the military at at all. there are other employees thatin fe that using artificial intelligence in this context is particularly risky and foresee 0 a future where eve have a computer making the decision of whether or not to carry out a drone strike and they feel like a human should be the one who is making that decisi, no at compute