her name is kate conner. i am standing in for her today, where another hat. i will run through our conditions of approval. today, you will receive the packets for next week's hearing containing the build group of conditions of approval, new conditions we have created. as i will go through, you will see a certain set from which planners will draw from. you'll see these changes reflected in the packets you will receive today. the objectives of the conditions of approval or to provide a standardized list of conditions of approval to increase consistency, to provide the commission with conditions that are enforceable, and to provide more information to the project sponsor in neighborhood about the agencies that enforce each condition. we gathered over 300 conditions of approval from a variety of motions. we wrote each warrant and deleted a lot of duplicates -- wheat -- we rewritote each warrant and deleted a lot of duplicates -- we rewrote each one and deleted a lot of duplicates. one of the changes that has been made is a before and after the situation. a condit