joining us live now to take a look at the complications of a third party is kate de gruyter, senior director of communications for the left of center think tank third way. kate, thanks for your time. pleasure. so for our viewers who are not familiar with no labels, just real quick, it's a group headed by former democratic senator turned independent joe lieberman. it's laying the groundwork for a possible moderate unity ticket if it doesn't like the two major party's nominees, it's qualified for the ballot in 11 states. now, why do you say it is also a threat to democracy? >> we know that the 2024 election is going to be determined by a very small number of voters, and third parties pose a particular unique risk of dividing the anti-trump coalition and clearing his path to victory. we've seen that third party voters were critical part of the biden coalition in 2020. they they backed him by a 30 point margin over their 2016 performance. and that was a critical part of how he pulled out a win in 2020. >> okay. >> even if that is the case, write a new gallup poll out today shows 53% of americans