kate goeslin, formerly of jon and kate plus eight, pitching a reality show.ng show. she is the date. it's like "the bachelorette" meets "the deadliest catch." it's interesting. if you are interested -- thank you. [ applause ] if you have any interest in dating kate goeslin, she enjoys long walks on the beach, not the beach you picked out, that beach sucks you are an idiot for choosing it. she likes quiet evenings by the place where the fire would be if you weren't so incompetent in case you couldn't get the duraflame lit. don't know if a dating show is a good idea, how would you know if a guy really likes you, or if he is just using you as a steppingstone to the octomom. you don't. i made a lot of fun of kate goeslin, over the years, i hope she finds true love or a new hair stylist. say what you will about the new show. the promo looks like a lot of fun. kate goeslin is back and ready to find the man of her dreams. whether he likes it or not. 12 men selected at random. shot with tranquilizer darts by sarah palin. transported to a deserted island. and hunted l