kate snow has been following the story for us. she joins me now from cleveland. also with me, kendall coffey, kate, i want to start with you. much of the things we're learning come from things the prosecution put out. it's from diaries that were kept by the three women that were held captive here. diary entries that speak of the forced sexual conduct, being locked in a dark room, anticipating the next session of abuse, being chained to a wall, like a prisoner of war. emotional abuse. threats to kill. being treated like an animal. those were some of the notes in it the d the diaries that were kept. just extraordinary, what we're hearing, some of the ugliest things. >> yeah, it's horrifying details. that comes from -- last night the prosecution released to the media a sentencing memorandum that they submitted to the court. it's basically an outline of everything they're going to present to the court today. this may sound a little counterintuitive because he already pled guilty. he already knows he's going to spend the rest of his life in prison with no option of parole. plus 1,000 years. so this guy is going away. but today t