i'm kate laycock. welcome to the show. which is looking something like this. africa under siege -- who will stop boko haram's deadly advance? a river runs through it. new hope for indigenous people in peru's embattled amazon region. china gets its skates on -- or its skis -- in the race for another olympic bid. it's now been over nine months since the mass kidnapping of hundreds of school girls in chibok, northern nigeria, brought the terrorist organisation boko haram to the world's attention. overnight, the hashtag "bring back our girls" campaign became a global rallying cry for a rescue which then was never forthcoming. instead, boko haram was able to tighten its grip on the north unimpeded. but whilst the girls' parents may have lost faith in their government's response, they haven't given up hope of seeing their children again. >> they meet here every day. their rallying cry -- "bring back our girls." among them are lawyers, doctors, window cleaners, and taxi drivers. they're united by the determination not to let the kidnapped schoolgirls of chibok be for