kate lin hunt is accused of a relationship with her 14-year-old basketball teammate.hat time when they were both women. >> they happened to be of the same sex involved in a relationship. if this case were a boy and girl, we don't believe it would have gotten that attention. >> maybe so on the media attention, but what about the authorities? would they have charged them if she was a he? >> if this was a boy and girl, they would have been prosecuted the same way. >> now they're urging katelin to accept a deal that would put her on probation for a year, and she would have to agree to avoid contact with her friend. that is far more lenient than the one she would have rejected in may, and she would have remained under house arrest. if hunt goes to trial, she faces up to 15 years in prison if convicted. the statutory rape laws are confusing and often conflicting on the age requirements. 12 states have a single age of consent. meaning if you're below that age you can't consent to sex under any circumstances. in massachusetts, that is 16. but in new jersey, while the age is 1