. >> my name is kate robinson and i will be speaking later on the next topic and just wanted to underscore that these topics we're talking about today are not unrelated and i want to thank you for your leadership on supporting ab3892. 392. we need to undo harmful policies and begin healing and we need to be leaders of this and so, thank you for pushing this and i fully support this resolution. >> thank you, next speaker. >> hellly. my name is wendy hugh. i wanted to relay a story that could have been a potential tragedy. a couple of years ago, i was on a bus, it was the 31 going outbound toward the beach and a man got on to the bus. there was a man inebriated and he said his mother had died and i called 9-1-1. the police showed up at a bus stop. they came on the bus and they took him off. i followed him off the bus because of what i fear might be a bad interaction and that i might have contributed to it. once he was off the bus, he was instantliaginstant agitated proy because of the blue uniform. after a time, i was asked to leave the scene because they said, like, we got this. it's ok, yo