you can see the likes of kate silverton, mariella frostrup and others in the 2.5 hours for another two hour roasting themselves. jack, you worked at the daily miller formally. —— themselves. jack, you worked at the daily millerformally. —— daily mirror formerly. what was that the situation like the? my experience in newspapers across—the—boa rd is situation like the? my experience in newspapers across—the—board is that it isa newspapers across—the—board is that it is a very male dominated industry. certainly at senior levels. and companies are going to be forced to publish equal pay information, as i understand it, later this year. it willjust be the bbc on the rack. lots of newspapers and businesses across the country have this issue and it is now starting to come to a head. the bbc has been pushed to publish this data before that but i am sure this is not the end of the story. also in the telegraph, news that the commons have voted to move out of the commons. i think this is the first time that they have had to move out since the blitz. so it is quite a bi