. >> kate stacey from the city attorney's office. if the committee finds discrepancies in documents, it is up to the commission on how to resolve those discrepancies and recommend changes in fixing them. one discrepancy raised was a discrepancy with the zoning map. the zoning map is considered part of the planning code. any changes to the zoning map would be pursued as a planning code amendment rather than a general plan amendment. today before the commission is just a general plan amendment. if the zoning map does need to be amended, it could be done as part of the planning code amendment. >> i have to think about what was said. it leaves me wondering what you really mean by that. >> commissioner miguel. >> this is the kind of matter i do not like when it comes before us. even the agenda speaks to my problem. in the description of the item, is says the requested item is associated with the development. i would rather have seen an actual change if necessary, if desired to the waterfront land use plan rather than something associated