. >> stephen: you have written about lindberg and katharine hepburn. you have a new one here. it's called "wilson--" this is woodrow wilson, right? >> it is woodrow wilson. >> stephen: why wilson? were all the good presidents taken at this point? why not polk or buchanan. >> all except the best president. >> stephen: wilson, woodrow wilson. >> i think he's the most influential figure of the 20th century. >> stephen: hitler was very influential, too, sir. was he the best president germany ever had? >> some say. >> stephen: some say? really, really, a. scott berg? what does the "a" stand for, adolf? >> "a" stands for andrew. let me tell you abouted with row. this is a man who created a domestic agenda we still live with today, eight-hour work days, women with the vote. >> stephen: of course they had eight-hour work days in 1913. they didn't have 5 hour energy back then. they couldn't hack it like we can now. >> true enough. and all our foreign policy today, for good or for bad, comes from woodrow wilson. >> stephen: how about for the bad? ( laughter ) here's my problem with wils