standing here next to me is katharine olsen, the 10th on the list under "separations." katharine is a new teacher at spring valley and as the letter that she will hand over to deliver to you will attest miss olsen suffered the frustration and all that that beginning teachers often do and didn't know where to tush turn and it was suggested that she just get out and she resigned. and she rescinded it. you know and we know you have threedaes to withdraw that kind of decision and she acted immediately the next day. so she expects that decision to be rescinded. she essentially put this in for the 16th of november and when she rescinded she continued to work through to the 30th and she was told she would not be brought back after the 30th and her resignation would be counted as working from that time. we're here tonight to ask you to re-consider this issue. miss olsen has initiated the desire to rescind the resignation she turned in and she has done it in a timely fashion. she has followed all the procedures that she was anticipated to follow. the district in the meantime has