well, in katherine anne porter's case, she was a journalist in colorado in the rocky mountain news. she was divorced, single gal, lived on coffee e and cigarettes so she could spend all her money on clothes. and she was living in lodgings when she became ill. and her landlady took one look at her and threw her out. so then katherine turned to -- [inaudible] and he managed to find her a hospital bed without which she would probably have died. even as katherine was lying in hospital here and behind the screens, hearing the doctors talking about her, giving up on her, her colleagues back at the rocky mountain news were setting her obituary in type. as a journalist, it just makes me shudder to think about. he pulled through, but she had -- she was violently ill, and when she was recovering, she tried to get out of bed and broke her arm. and then she had one of the distinctive things which is her hair turned white overnight. and it never grew back to its natural color. she had to dye it black for the rest of her life. but katherine had lucky escape. he took the attitude about it and she