. ♪ judy: environmental health advocate katherine coleman flowers has dedicated her life to battling accompany poverty. she's the founder of the center for rural enterprise and environmental justice where she works on multiple fronts to improve public health and economic development. including access to water and sanitation, amid the growing threat of climate change. tonight she gives her brief but spectacular take on fighting america's dirty secret. >> sanitation doesn't get the attention it should because it's generally out of sight, out of mind. as a child in alabama, i had the opportunity to work through corn fields, walk in the woods, to understand how nature and people in rural communities coexist. i also had parents that were activist parents who were very involved in the civil rights movement. i loved lyons downy, that's what motivated me to return home. i thought i'd come back and do economic development and of course i ended up pivoting and becoming more of an activist trying to deal with the sanitation and wastewater problems because without that you can't do economic deve