and as you can see very clearly, and i have to praise katherine mullbrand and the artest who did -- the artist who did this drawing. she has a wonderful web site where she takes economic data and presents them in a very kind of vivid way. you see the opposite trends for democrats and republicans. for democrats, the greatest income gains and, again, this is going all the way back to 1948. the greatest income gains have come at the bottom and have tapered off as you go up the income scale. you'll also notice that the overall economic growth has been greater under democratic presidents than republican presidents. under republican presidents you have less growth, and you have the opposite trend. you have the greatest income gains going to those at the top of the income scale and tapering off as you go down. now, these findings come from a political scientist named larry bartels who in his book "unequal democracy" points out that he does not vote and even though this is a very partisan-looking chart, he does not vote in presidential elections. and the last president he did vote for was ronal