community corporation and what you have before you is the specific design with that, i'd like to ask katherine reilly project manager to present this. >> you want to hold it (laughter). >> that's very nice just don't drop that. (laughter). >> turns out those things are not cheap. go ahead and hold it >> good afternoon again. thank you director and good morning. i'm katherine. this last item is a combined plan for affordable rentals. you've reviewed this back in december and june of last year. after i give a brief overview the developer will present the promise. so this project will be developed with chinatown development corpses. it's located on block 7 west which is a 1.8 acre parcel and you bound by mission bay north to the south. and fourth street to the west and it pedestrian views or walkway on the east that divides the parcel which you've heard about in the past. it includes units above ground retail and this is increased to one hundred. there will be a one hundred and 6 bicycle parking spaces. this is 3 hundred more spaces than the parking requirements. there will be open space areas. the proj