katherine serks, the association of american physicians. >> thank you, grover. i'm going to talk about three things today. number one, doctors and the hassle factor that's going on. number tw is what's going on with organized medicine and the response to health care reform proposals. number three, most importantly, the impact that this has on patients. the first thing is, i want to ask -- i don't see a lot lot of medicare eligible faces. i venture to say i see a couple. most of you, have any of you heard your parents or grandparents say, i'm having trouble seeing a doctor? i'm having -- takes me a long time to get abappointment? anybody who's listening to us at home. ask your parents or grandparents if they've ever had trouble. they're not alone. you've heard today about government medicine and that we already have government medicine, so what i want to talk about is what it's really like on the front lines of government medicine. what happens with doctors and patients. not just from policy standpoint. not just from a political standpoint. what it's really like