getting kids, 94124 kids jobs through the garden project, god bless katherine sneed. the woman's a saint. and more and more and more engagement across the city to try and give the kids positive choices so that they're busy. these particular crimes that have been occurring are straight up adults doing gang violence and we will attack it accordingly. >> great. thank you. commissioner kingsley? >> commissioner kingsley: chief, thanks you very much for your report and appreciate you giving us a head's up on things that are coming about in the future in the community. also good news on the budget front that you got that support from the department as a whole and congratulations on that leadership, it's terrific. i'm wondering if that will support the possibility of police academy training in the fall. you'd given some guarded, optimistic reporting that may be a possibility. does this make it more of a probability? >> yes, apparently conversations that have happened at this panel over time, discussions with the p.o.a., and actually the foresightedness of the board of superv