i also want to credit my predecessor assembly member katherine stefani who has long championed this kind of fiscal oversight with a focus on efficiency. without her leadership we may not be in the position to hold this hearing. and i'm grateful for her continued focus on these critical critical issues. simply put, we need a contracting process that matches the urgency of the crisis we're facing. >> and this hearing is a step toward that standard. finally, i'm introducing a resolution in support of the assembly bill five 458 excuse me introduced by assembly member katherine stefani. she and i share deep focus on safety regarding gun violence and preventing gun violence our communities. this this measure will bring much needed transparency and safety to california's firearm procurement process. a recent investigation by brady united against gun violence revealed that california law enforcement agencies lack a rigorous vetting process when choosing firearm vendors. this means that public funds are being funneled to businesses with documented history of violence violating federal firearm reg