from stanford, katherine stoner political scientist and senior fell on democracy, development and rule of law at stanford university, and back in the studio, william miller, u.s. ambassador to ukraine from 1993 to 1998. let's go back to the 90's, mr. ambassador, it looked like for a while the ukraine had managed the trick of making the transition from a post self yett state that could stand on its own. they worked out deals with the arsenal, soviet navy, territorial pursuits, the ukraine for some time looked like it was ready to become an independent country. >> it was first in line, but unfortunately the politicians in charge tried to play both sides against each other. east and west. and they lost their way. but more significantly the leadership of ukraine initially was soviet. soviet in background and soviet in mentality, and soviet in behavior. and it's only now that we're beginning to see the generation that it was born after independence. it was not brought up in soviet ways, and is definitely on track to become a democratic nation. >> katherine stoner, are we watching ukraine ar