as kathleen cairns douceuu is recoveriig....and speaking publicly for the first time....le dduceur reveals details of her tough journey... after suffering a ssroke in mid auguss. she was stuck at the research station ffr six could make the flight to (renee-nicole douccur)"there was no treatment to be done over there he onny thing was to rest and stay calm." renee was finally rescued october 17th... and rought to new &pzealann.. before getting a fllght baak to the u.s. (caiinssrenee was brought here to jjhns hopkins hospptal monday night this is where some of the nations top neurological experts were able to evaluate her condition " she has undergone extensive another mri, this time with an possible tumors.. which we did not find..and we connirmed her diaggosis thattshe did have a stroke."doctors say the high altitude and less oxygen at phe south pole may have renee lost half of her vision &paad some of her speech... buu it is sllwll.. returning.. (renee-nicole douceuu)"the prognosis is good i'll probably recover a signnficant majority of that back""hile rehabilitation...