we are pleased to have kathleen carroll and joel simon for this conversation.ournalism is an increasingly dangerous profession. no one knows this more than our guests tonight. joel simon is director of the committee to protect journalists, organization founded in 1981 by a group of u.s. correspondence to realize they couldn't ignore the dangers around the world are facing. research and advocacy are focused on defending the right to journalists to report. forever in the world journalists are attacked, and present, killed, kidnapped, threatened, censored or her past comest dpj takes action. when journalists can speak for themselves, see p.j. speaks up on their behalf. i know this because before coming to new york as a journalist in the cities and see p.j. is the group that would run to whenever we were in trouble. see p.j. has played a key role in raising awareness about the killings of journalists in my country and elsewhere around the world. journalists need to be positioned to talk about how the landscape of threats have changed in the past two years. his new