similarly, work by kathleen friedle and matthew lass sitter highlight the longer continuities with the postwar era, the bipartisan nature of mandatory minimum sentencing and the central role of liberals in crafting a punitive anti-drug regime. this scholarship is part of a broader literature on the shadow cars ral side of liberalism initiateded by per rehnty, thompson, weaver and many others. the exhaustive work, "the drugs work fwhars america" locates yort joichbts nixonian drug war and ladies and gentlemen postwar period as the state responded to a crisis in governance during a period of intensification and expansion imperial state power. bereft of other tools, the state punished its way to power. her state-centered history of america's first drug war manufacture sizes the role of dixie crates in crafting punitive drug policy as a means of fighting efforts of police reform and reorganization through actively focus on drug pro-problem hib business and cities rather than on suburbs and rural areas a and is of course taking place in the context of the second great migration of cities, e