kathleen hall jamieson said that kennedy's language expressed resoluteness required under circumstances to maintain a struggle against a menacing eyed theology. sarah and mel tranter noted the speech is considered one of the greatest speeches in the 20th century. thurston clarke claimed that kennedy's address is generally acknowledged to have been the greatest oration of any 20th century politician. every one knew at the time the importance, the address, writing, the new york times immediately the address. wallace carroll said that kennedy had had successfully toward a new national. they would carry the from the feeling of well-being of the eisenhower years to sense of higher urgency and endeavor. he explained why higher urgency and endeavor was needed. carroll said because the nation faced major problems like squalor in cities. 4 million americans so subsisting on handouts of so-called surplus food. but now we began to get to the puzzle because one of the functions of an inaugural address is to move forward. the domestic agenda of the president of the united states. and this speech did