kathleen sebelius like? good-span.org -- guest: question, my guess is not super close. in her memoir, condoleezza riceunts that great memoir where she is secretary and bob gates is the secretary of success and a nice, middle east gentleman -- whop and gates says is that? mikeays, sir, that is lemon, our secretary of health and human services. some of these guys do not get a lot of face time. host: this tweet from ron -- interesting, i am not sure that that proves his case, if you will. john kerry has been -- has appeared to have been given a very wide leash. it is a little bit hard to say, he has been a very active secretary of state so far. most experts think that there is very little chance of a real breakthrough in the middle east and he is now dealing with the headache of getting an arrangement for a long-term force to remain behind in afghanistan. hamid karzai is proving to be a difficult actor. john kerry is out there and it would probably be impossible to micromanage him given the issues he has on his portfolio right now. i believe the president made the decision to not go to war with him witho