michael rice, tim colin, kathrin howard, hiroshi fakuda, [speaker not understood]. >>> good evening, president fong, member of the commission. i have written good afternoon, but so be it. i am michael rice. i am speaking today for myself, but i am currently the president of the glenn park association. my comments are based on over 10 years' experience at project review at the neighborhood level at glenn park, and full disclosure, i am retired from previous employment in c-e-q-a consulting. i believe the proposed c-e-q-a procedures are needed and beneficial. over my years with the glenn park association, i have seen virtually every 311 or 312 notice, discretionary review request, zoning appeals or adjustments and major building permit applications. these are all projects typically processed under c-e-q-a categorical exemptions or in some cases negative declarations. the widely distributed mail or posted notices typically have a 20 to 30-day appeal period. state c-e-q-a law and guidelines call for disclosure and review of environmental effects early in the project process. the proposed