his closest friends were robert and kathryn johnson. robert was the editor of the century magazine. catherine, his wife ran an intellectual salon at the townhouse in manhattan. they were not rich but they acted that way. they brought together artists, musicians and other luminaries. th is mark twain. he would come to dinner. after dinner he would go to tesla's laboratory. these two bodies played like kids. they were shooting lightning beings across the lab. they are having a marvelous ti time. my point is this superman the intriguing part is you is human. one example of the letter, tesla had been sick with a cold so robert wrote him a letter and it exemplifies their daily note that they sent to each other about their health. it has been a whole week since we saw you and you need cheering up. come as early as possible and get cheered. we are in a jolly mood. we only need you. so this very human superman sort of reveled in the excitement of discovery. he said, i do not think there is any thrill that can go through the human heart like that then the inventor that sees a creation unfold