joining me is kathryn larson the executive director of pbwc.'m so glad to have you here. >> it's one of the largest years that pbwc's ever had. it's a monumental year for us. and it's also our 25th years of the conference. >> it's a landmark event for everybody, isn't it? >> it is. we also have community events that are sponsored by our corporate partners that go on about every -- >> quarterly. >> yeah, quarterly. and that's an opportunity for people trtunity for s as well ae an extension of the large conference. >> and the important thing about those quarterly activities is the networking piece of it, right? >> absolutely. what's important about the networking in there, is not only the networking but the diversity of the industry there. so you're networking with women from all industry sectors which is one of the beauties of pbwc. >> and they chose to be there so they want to talk to us looking for ideas, moral support, that kind of thing? >> it's not just about networking, too. ewe find that people find mentors and sponsorships to working wit