kathy herrod works as a campaign adviser for him. in the past, he's touted his relationship with herro d. he's next in line to be the republican gubernatorial candidate for arizona. now, this is the kind of company that this guy keeps. senate bill 1062 is expected to play a role in the governor's race coming up. i hope so. so doocy was eventually really pressed to release a press statement regarding this bill. doocy claims if i was governor, i'd veto the bill right now. i'd veto it. he says this. forging consensus on acceptable language protecting religious liberty. that's a little vague, isn't it? basically, he's looking to distance himself from the bill. he has yet to distance himself from herrod. she's not backing down on the other hand. in response to the backlash, she's painting herself as a victim in all of this. >> i just hope that listeners and people around the country will see this for what it is, hostility towards religion. our ability to live out our religious beliefs as founders intended, our right to live out our religi