we have kathy kinsley from the northeast states, sue valdez, a member of the public, and andres restrepofrom sierra club. thank you. >> thank you. good morning. good morning. minus kathy kinsey, i' and a ser policy adviser with the northeast states for coordinated air use management. would like to thank you for the opportunity to be your to testify on epa's proposed engagement finding, and on the advanced notice of proposed rulemaking. we organization of eight states, north '60s states and new york and new jersey and my testimony today here reflects the majority view of our state and does not necessarily reflect the views of all of our individual state members. so nscaum purports epa findings under section 231 that aircraft greenhouse gas emissions endanger public health and welfare. is supported consistent with the support, our support in 2009 for epa's proposed, or endangerment finding for mobile sources. since 2009 rulemaking, climate science has only grown stronger. the latest science is summarized in the 2014 international panel on climate change. establishes a climate related threa