senior kathy kong went to one and she said it opened her eyes to the prevalence of alcohol related issues. [sirens] i'm realizing wow this must happen often in like the bigger clubs and it was -- i was not aware of that. but that's definitely like an issue. while there is a a two-hour program in place for incoming freshmen called alcohol edu. the course is online and much less involved than the one kong participated in. she says she'd like to see the edu. program ramped up. having people gather at a place that be awesome. and having it being interactive. in addition to these workshops, the university is trying to help in other ways. research has shown that if the president or the vice president of student affairs sends out such a letter or such a communication, it helps decrease the amount of negative incidents. and the administration did just that. before the big rival football game against fresno state, student affairs sent out an email with safe drinking tips. students are going to express individual choice, but i think the campus can set a culture. sometimes that cultural change takes