doctor kathy sullivan is a distinguished scientists, an astronaut and oceanographer. she was the first american woman to walk in space. and along with bruce mccann dulles, who is the recipient of the very first national space museum trophy in 1985. but her three spaceflight, including the mission to law and the telescope were just beginning of a career of adventure, exploration and education. doctor sullivan was the inaugural director of the center in the john gland center of public affairs at the ohio state university. she served as secretary of congress, and the administrator from chief scientists of the national oceanic and atmospheric in geneva. in 2014, she was named by time magazine as woman of the 100 most influential people. she -- beginning in 1961, the honorable david prior served the people of arkansas in the state house of representatives. the u.s. house, the governor's mansion and the united states senate. after three full terms in the senate, he was named a full distinguished fellow in law and public affairs. senator prior went on to serve as director of