katy tur, nbc news correspondent, harold ford, and megan murphy, editor of bloomberg.an and everybody, i am so proud to live in an age where you have videotape because -- >> it's a blessing. >> trump can deny all he wants, but this sort of jonestown performance here with these people, i mean i'm going to go to you, congressman, because i've never seen loyalty demanded so explicitly. he wants them to be his -- >> it reinforces what director comey said. anyone that didn't believe him, you have more reason to believe him. there's a new book out on tiern tierney, atir annie, and he writes in the book how loyalty is the beginning of the undermining of the rule of law and the cohesion that keeps a society together. i guess he's talking about it at a big level, but you see some of them with trump. it was fascinating to see omarosa being the most powerful man in the universe. he seemed to think this is a win for him personally, and i've never seen anything quite like what happened in that cabinet meeting yesterday. i don't know if anyone has. i mean maybe in other countries yo