. >> item 8 c water capitol improve am quarter low report by katie miller. good afternoon commissioners i'm katie miller director of water capitol programs. today will update you on the status of projects in the water c ip as. end of the fourth quarter june 30, 2022. >> these charts show 36 projects in the program budget 2.upon 7 billion dollars. including 25 regional and 11 local projects. expend tours the close of reporting period were 946 million expended with 41 million expended during the left quarter. >> this table shows the summary of the program cost forecast by category for all active projects. all of the variances shown here are from previous quarters. most related to the rebase lining of the program to align with the fiscal 23-3210 year c ip approve in the february. there have been no new cost variances in the second quarter. since the second quarter. >> this chart shows the current approved budget for 25 regional projects in each phase of the program as of june 30 the number active in each phase. during the quarter 2 project it is move friday des