. >> katie petrucione and i'm pleased to be here this morning to ask for your approval of our budget for fiscal year 13-14 and 14-15. this is a reminder of the challenges that we faced entering this budget process. all told we are solving for a $3.4 million base budget reduction in fiscal year 13-14. and a $6.6 million reduction in fiscal year 14-15. to give you a little more detail on both the revenue corrections and the non-salary cost increases that we're absorbing in addition, to the base budget target that we received from the mayor's budget office, as i outlined in january, we have to adjust our general fund revenue by approximately $560,000 over each of the next two fiscal years. this is a slight reduction from my initial estimate in january of $660,000. half of this reduction in the general fund is related to a change in the payment that the department evidence is from the san francisco zoological society. $120,000 results from changes to our facility rentals including balboa and kezar stadiums, and $180,000. we have a planned project to renovate the green as the harding next