(katie swantek - diamond owner :12-:15) "it was a moment of complete hysterical mess." the diamond is insured. but that wasn't the point for katie. married in july of this year so i haven' even had it f f two years but it's such a huge part of my life already." she called each store she had been to. and posted a plea for help on facebook. luckily for katie... shirley echtenkamp at goodwill has a shshrp eye. (shirley echtenkamp - diamond the floor, you know just this diamond. (shirley echtenkamp - diamond finder :49-:52) "couldn't believe it, tha we actually found t." when she picked it up for words. (katie swantek - of people and so i scooted out of (stand up) eamon o'meara - reporting 1:03-1:14) katie originally thought the diamond must have fallen out in the parking lot of one of the many stores she had been to, meaning it would be almost impossible to find... which made the phone call she got tuesday night alal the more surprising. (katie swantek - diamond owner) 1:15-1:26) "i never thought in a million that find it and turn it in. everyone truly does care for everyon