to katie tang -- she is a wonderful person, smart as a whip. really helps to get this smooth as possible. it is her who made this a good process. supervisor wiener: i want to congratulate the chair for another great year. this process is always difficult and challenging. you did a great job as always. commissioner chu: coleaguesllea, we need a cut on the budget for the adult probation department, $4,000 -- and $2015 in 2013, and this reduces temporary salaries and the purchase of two vehicles. do we have the motion? >> so moved. >> we have a recieved from the mayor's budget office, a set of technical adjustments. we just need to accept that. we have the administrative positions. to amend the aso for the temporary positions and labor mou's. do we have that motion? we do that without objection. do we have a motion to amend this -- to approve or send forward the annual appropriation as ammended to the full board on the 10th. and authorizing for technical adjustments as necessary? >> so moved. >> okay. we do that without objection. supervisor kim: