right now, we're at katimin, center of the world for karok people. the aboriginal territory stems from up towards the yreka area all the way down to weitchpec. man: katimin--upper falls. it's our fishery. yutimin--lower falls. first spring salmon is spotted down at the mouth of the river. the medicine mannd his helper spot the first salmon. then they catch that first salmon, ritually eat it, then there's a jump dance 10 days afterwards. the second salmon ceremony is held on the new moon in july up at inam, up at clear creek, up by happy camp, and at that point, that ceremony's done, the people from inam all the way out to the ocean can fish. the shasta indians put on a salmon ceremony, as well--i'll say the third salmon ceremony-- so then everybody from that point down can fish, so that is a very dramatic way of managing your fishery. it allows for your progeny of the run to make it to the headwaters. that means that all the fish between, before you see that first salmon, they make it all the way to the headwaters, or they can get out past you. then