katja: the oltehuas grow coffee. family owns about a ctare of ld, so thes about five hectares. they've been growing coffee for generations, but coffee productionas never bn a reliab livelihd. the family has now joined up with an organization called cafecol, hoping it will help them earn a secure income and finally lead a more comfortable life. gerardo: many families that work in coffee production live in poverty. it's unacceptable that they have tlive in the condions when ffee is ch a valule commoty, justbecause tn have tlive in the conaspects the produion process they aren't familiar with. katja: the first step is to grow . cafecol buys the family's harvest at a higher price than the going market rate and then. the coffee farmers are given advice in the fields and their beans are analyzed to see how they can be improved. in the cafecol headquarters in xalapa, the capital of the state of veracruz, the beans are examined and sampled in a laboratory. mayra: we're specialists in quality control. at this point we're exam