she had to work for her room and board. >> why was kato kaelin so memorable? >> he's an idiot. >> really? >> he's so full of -- oh, sorry. >> that's pretty harsh. >> as a matter of fact, when we were doing our deliberations, he was like a no-brainer. the guy's an idiot and nothing we says, we can't go with or against it. he's null and void. >> i was called so many things. i was called a celebrity, a pariah, a traitor, a dummy, a freeloader. >> so it seems like you were pretty much misunderstood for a really long time? >> 100% misunderstood. this was something i took so serious that i was making sure i answered everything correctly. so i was in deep thought going, okay, answer this right, kato and that was it. if you pause, people go, he's making something he's lying, he's doing this. furthest thing from the truth. it's for me to become even more honest. for me to make sure i answer this thing 100% honest. >> which brings us to the night of the murder. kaelin and simpson make a mcdonald's run. >> about what time was it when you got home? >> it was about 9:40. >