the village of katrin says that themselves from the petsoma region of the now pechenga district of the murmansk region can be easily identified by russian surnames. they all end in of, efremov catherine comes almost every day and it's quiet here. by the light of lamps and candles they pray katrin goes home, a red one-story house, covered with snow. by the very window, catherine tells that she has been living here for many years. inside, it is very cozy, modestly and cutely low ceilings bake orthodox icons, photographs of beloved grandchildren and numerous relatives. catherine sits down on the sofa and happily shows us her family album, it turns out that she still has relatives in russia, and she recently went to visit them and visited the place of her birth, a more exciting and important event in her life in recent years. she won't remember catherine says she worked. as long as he remembers himself and sit idle. he just can't even now at 82. she continues to work diligently and with great pleasure. catherine sews traditional siamese costumes. she especially likes to embroider hats. according to katrin , the work is not difficult, but painstaking, but the result is a thing,