shrinkage is the cost of inventory that can't be sold founder katrina lake is working on different strategieso improve that she'll be on tomorrow morning at 11:00 a.m. so we'll ask her about that the call is ongoing, because it's the first time that the company has held an earnings call, they're spending some time going through their process before getting to guidance >> it had like a 10% reversal intraday like courtney said, it's up 63%. people thought this was going to be a blue apron sort of thing. i think the quarter was fine, 20% growing users, 30% and they're new to the category. can we pan over to guy over here if there was ever a guy that you guys should get on your stitchfix thing, look how he's dressed. we need a stitchfix box for this guy. >> pleated pants, patterns galore >> it was his birthday yesterday. >> we can get a stitchfix box for guy adami, let's clothe this guy for 2017, please >> jeez. >> quick >> my thought is this. they feel a little bit like snap why do i say that? it's decelerating at a rapid pace >> that comparison is not a friendly one >>> ahead, forget about bitc