conservative columnist katrina pearson says it's impossible to belithe government is tellg us everythiigkatrina, do you think the governmenttis actually hiding right now infmation from us? >> well, why not? they've hiddennformation all the way from fast and furious to simple financialebacles at the gia,e have the cia, ebola, you name it. david: what is information you think the government might have that they're not honest withs abou i think the initial reports the cdc was given to hospitals here in dallas was fwed considerg, i found an article one month ag in the "new england journal of medicine" that did a epidemiological study founding a mutated strain of ebola zaire that is not presenting with bleeding or fever in caaes, that's wt's out of contro why are we having a congressional hearing today where this information is just being broughttout. david: why do you think the government is hiding information from us,n ebola, anyway, to start with? >> well, you know,he minds are out there, but maybe it's becauue they don't want to ensue panic, but you wder why are they pushing out protocols