i i i i i i am i only talks to katrina rita shaima who is taking legal steps against the university she believes the campus and the city's police took insufficient action during the process but when the attack started especially after i was pepper sprayed i was completely incapacitated there was nothing i could do to defend myself so i had no choice but to turn around and just face the barricade i was worried about what was happening to my husband it turned out he was just a few feet away from me being beaten worse than any of us he was beaten unconscious afterwards by the police both the city and the campus police were clearly inadequate given what happened then injuries that were sustained right i saw personally it was police initially standing outside of the building that they later locked us out of my father and their knowledge on the way and by the time the attack actually started they were nowhere to be seen they had locked themselves inside the building and wouldn't give us any aid at all university of california berkeley has declined to comment the city of berkeley previously fi