we ask, i don’t know, i guess who katsya and aleg are, kali weasel , stepmother, shanovny aleg and katsyahe words are coming slide that... all garyts, hut garyts, pazhar, pazhar, yes, so, malachyna, shanovny alegs, katya, that was a great party, tsyaper pormyanyaytse, kali laska, months, katya, slide for you, we are on our way mushrooms, forest, shmat, the first words, that is the forest, lasok, well, shmat, lasy, yes, malaychyna. oncoming words and oncoming slide, our inspectors, who are in the same city, in the adzinochny, savetskaya district, district, katya, shanounaya, on the slide, central in minsk, vyalikaya, street, budynak, national, library, tsudoўny adkaz, і yashche adzin. slide for this great team, a good campaign has been put together. these are the best words for you and this applause for you, father, dear weasel.