jeneane beck research is katulis forublic activism. we are going to talk a little bit more about that in the afternoon but to think about companies as being a site for genetic research and katulis for public interest in that research and in corporate guardians of peonal genetic information. so who owns who and takes care of o's personal information increasingly companies are taking up that role. what remains the same ice rink in what we see as the shifting landscape is this idea genetic information is indeed special. what i want to do in the short time i have is think about some of the social issues emerging fromhe shifting landscape and to have us think about or anticipate the regulatory challenges and i picked four different topics. i could have picked mor but these are four areas i think deserve some scrutiny in terms of how we are approaching regulations and guidelines. first social networking and in particular privacy protection for those who have chosen to share their information online. the second is company sponsored research,